"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
Veterans' Right to Heal
IVAW seeks to stop "bad paper" 1 discharges that make veterans ineligible for benefits: no VA health care, housing, education, or employment help.
A Veterans' Movement
Iraq Veterans Against the War is a growing movement that demands complete U.S. withdrawal from conflict, and healing for all soldiers and civilians who were oppressed in war.
Voices of Veterans Against War
Iraq Veterans Against the War is a growing movement that demands complete U.S. withdrawal from conflict, and healing for all soldiers and civilians oppressed in war.
Voice of Art - IVAW Protest
At the 2012 NATO summit, 20,000 protesters march to an event in which IVAW veterans and service members threw back combat medals in symbolic protest against unjust wars.
Art for Heroes (Chicago)
Veterans can transform how they see the world and themselves by exploring their identity with art and sharing their vision with others, such as through the National Veterans Art Museum.
Arts, Military + Healing
Soldiers and veterans are using an unprecedented number of alternative therapies to take healing into their own hands, and are changing all the art fields in America in the process.