"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin
Stop Watching Us
Despite previous criminal surveillance under Nixon, we find that today's vastly more powerful technology threatens our civil liberties as never before.
Surveillance Threatens Freedom
Surveillance threatens the whole concept of a free democracy: it robs citizens of their dignity and journalists of their ability to expose corruption.
Living in a Surveillance State
A top secret network of our government and its contractors1 possesses a vast capability to collect data and connections for any of us, or all of us.
Drone Aerial Video Surveillance
Drones using ARGUS - the world's highest definition camera array - track all vehicle and pedestrian movements over a vast area for any given time period.
How the Government Tracks You
The reach of today's vast, open-ended surveillance system allows the government to know where you've been, where you are, and where you're going.
The NSA Knows Everything!
An explanation of what data is available to the NSA, how you can be targeted, and what you can do about it; see the follow-up videoclip for more answers.